Open Constellation Days

We will be gathering once a month to offer Open Constellation Days:  experiential days where you can learn about the dynamic philosophy of Family Constellation Work and apply it to directly to your life. Each month we choose a theme to help focus the teaching and guide the process.  We will explore key elements, principles, and relationships that impact systemic work.

Upcoming Open Constellation Days


    THEME: Systemic Sentences Through the Line

    June 23rd, Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm

    Our minds, often without us consciously knowing it, can spin round and round with negative thoughts and beliefs about the world and about ourselves. Sometimes the voices are a whisper: “No matter how hard I try, I will not get what I want…be quiet and all will be well…it is not safe to trust…” And sometimes these inner voices are so loud they crowd out all others and say things like: “I am not enough… I don’t belong… I do not deserve to succeed….it’s not safe to show who I really am…”

    Family sentences sound like, “we just grin and bear it…money only comes with hard work…the world isn’t safe…we have to keep busy…it’s best to ignore…this is just the way it is…”

    This workshop will help make these beliefs more conscious and begin to examine the context in which they live. Often these beliefs are what we call systemic: they are beliefs formed in survival in generations before us. We carry them out of loyalty, often without any awareness. They are part of our family conscience.

    There is no magic pill to make beliefs/systemic sentences disappear. However, often when we learn the context, we begin to have a wider view, and therefore more space and mobility to choose differently. That is what we will do in this workshop: create a wider view so you can have more freedom and mobility with beliefs that have previously been stifling and debilitating.

You are welcome:

  • Whether you have experienced systemic constellations or are new to the work

  • Whether you are a therapist, coach, healthcare provider, business owner, parent or adult wanting more freedom/movement in your life

  • Whether you want to learn this philosophy to enhance your work or your spirit

Open Constellation Days allow for participation at whatever level is comfortable for you:

  • Bring an issue that you’ve been grappling with so it can be looked at, with support, in a fresh way

  • Support others by representing in their constellation in what becomes an ‘out-picturing’ of their internal issue

  • Bear witness by holding space and observing

For more information about Systemic Constellation Work, click here:

Check out our home page for our yearly calendar of events for Constellation Work and other Offerings.